A Nepali feature film, that documents the story of the love between two siblings in Nepal’s upper Himalayas, has been nominated under three...

Latest Nepali short Film – Jali Maya

A Nepali feature film, that documents the story of the love between two siblings in Nepal’s upper Himalayas, has been nominated under three categories at the prestigious Queens World Film Festival, New York, scheduled to take place on March 20. The film has received nominations for the Best Actress Award (Srijana Subba), Best Film, and Best Cinematography.
The film, written and directed by Dr Naresh Kumar KC, features actors Srijana Subba, Saugat Malla, Arpan Thapa, Bidhya Karki and Lakpasingi Tamang, among others, and has Deepankar Sigdel and Raveen Acharya as cinematographers.
Director Naresh Kumar KC, a proponent of realistic approach to filmmaking, talks to the Post about his motivations and inspirations behind Dying Candle.
Story, and story only. We have a plethora of melodramatic love stories and escapist dramas in Nepali cinema. However, there are only a handful of filmmakers who take risks with non-mainstream ideas and settings. We have remained honest with the story, and it’s characters, at the expense of cheap entertainment, in order to make the film as real as possible. The entire story happens within one day, in one house with a few characters; so it’s experimental approach is one strong reason that young audiences shouldn’t miss it.