Jyoti Magar is a known name in Nepali folk music. In addition to that she is also known for her glamorous exposures during the interview, stage shows and music videos.Now she has been one of the busiest artist in Nepal as she is not just a folk singer but is interested in dramas, ethnic movies, music videos, stage shows and many more. She has performed in Gulf, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Belgium and many European countries. She is popular because of her glamorous performance.This hot and bold Nepali model singer Jyoti Magar is one of those who have tried the glamour in folk songs and they seem to be successful in their experiment. She has done modeling herself on most of her songs. Watch Nepali singer Jyoti Magar super performance stage show in Denmark. Jyoti Thapa Magar known as Hot and Nepali Model Singer in Nepal. Her songs shows glamor in folk songs and they are becoming more popular. She was born in remote village of Rukum. In her early school age she used to sing songs at school in western city of Dang.She released few folk song albums and some of them are a huge success like “Uhi Mulako Sinki”, 1)ADSL Broadband Internet Service- It is the Internet service which is provided by the leading company of Nepal NEPAL TELECOM.It has high market share in pokhara in terms of Internet service.Its office is located in Ranipauwa,pokhara.To know more about the service we can visit the site. 2)Pokhara Internet-Probably, it might be the second biggest Internet service provider in pokhara in terms of market share.It had started its service a decade ago.Now it have established itself as leading Internet service provider in pokhara.Its office is located in Gairapatan,pokhara and to know more about it simply we have to log on 3)Broadlink-Broadlink has also high number of users in pokhara.Its office is located at New Road,Pokhara and to get more information we can go for 4)Worldlink-Worldlink might be one of the leading Isp of Nepal.But its presence in pokhara is comparatively less.Its office is located at Sitabhawan in Mahendrapool 5)UTL- We can get unlimited Internet service from UTL.But its service might be comparatively slow than others.However it is also in use in pokhara valley.Its office is located in NayaBazar Road and for more info get In my view above mentioned Internet providers are highly preferred by the Internet users in Pokhara.There are other providers that have served in pokhara valley.Here is list of some of them 10)Japan Nepal Information Communications Technology-Location: PrithiviChowk Website:www.jnict.com.np