They take this as a pr@*nk, firstly they ir*ritate and tries to fool people and after they gets succeed on fooling and ir*ritating finally ...

Sneezing Prank In Public || Shudh Desi Videos

 They take this as a pr@*nk, firstly they ir*ritate and tries to fool people and after they gets succeed on fooling and ir*ritating finally they makes them more fool that they are making them fool.
Some people gets furious while doing this even they warn them not to do this or scolds them and doesn’t even listen if they are doing pr@*nk and few people leaves with the smile and some leave being awkward. There is something like this on this video. This is a pr@*nk that happened on the street of India. This pr@*nk was done on public by one man. He tried his ideas on every people who passed by him. He did a sneezing pr@*nk.
Where he carried out one plastic and act as if he is sneezing and lots of sneeze like water comes along while he sneeze that is such a h!l@rious things. People often dislike such thing, that is a dirty thing and they will feel dirty if someone sneeze over them and same thing is seen in this video. He has applied his ideas with many people and the expression of people are too funny to see.